GHGA Annual Meeting 2024

15. bis 16. Oktober 2024
11 bis 17 Uhr

Heidelberg, partially online

Veranstaltet von
German Human Genome-Phenome Archive (GHGA)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

The GHGA Annual Meeting 2024 will take place on 15.-16. October 2024 in Heidelberg.

We warmly invite all GHGA members to the beautiful city of Heidelberg to spend valuable face-time together, and are looking forward to two days filled with interesting talks, workshops and strategic planning sessions.

We are still planning the detailled program of the event, updates will be sent via the GHGA-All Mailing list! The event is planned primarily as an in-person event, hybrid participation will be enabled for some of the sessions.

Please register now, so we can include this into our planning of the Annual Meeting.


The meeting consists of the following parts:

  1. October 15 - 11:00- 13:00: Internal GHGA Kickoff Session - Details on GHGA Wiki
  2. October 15 - 14:00 - 18:00: GHGA Public Symposium, showcasing presentations from GHGA members as well as renowned experts from various European biomedical data initiatives and projects.  
    Detailed Agenda and Registration for online participation here:    
    Confirmed Speakers:
    • Juliane Fluck (NFDI4Health, ZBMed):    
      NFDI4Health – Services of the National Research Data Infrastructure for personal health data
    • Annette Peters (NAKO, Helmholtz Munich):    
      German National Cohort – Status and novel developments
    • Serena Scollen (GDI, ELIXIR Hub, EMBL-EBI):    
      Towards cross-border access to human genomes at scale
    • Andreas Till (German Model Project Genome Sequencing, BfArM):    
      The German Model Project Genome Sequencing – Current Status and Perspectives
    • Oliver Stegle (GHGA, DKFZ and EMBL) 
    • Leon Kuchenbecker (GHGA, Tübingen University)
  3. October 16 - 8:45 -17:00 Continuation of GHGA Annual Meeting
    For GHGA Consortium Members - Details on GHGA Wiki
  4. October 17: Networking event for GHGA Members - Details on GHGA Wiki

Please note that online participation is only possible for the Public Symposium part, the residual part of the meeting is in-person only. If desired, GHGA workstreams can plan additional meetings either before or after the main event. Please contact GHGA Project Management in this case (

We are looking forward to welcome you in Heidelberg in October!

More information and registration