Chemistry Data Days 2023

6. bis 7. Juni 2023

JGU Mainz – Atrium Maximum

Veranstaltet von
NFDI4Chem, GDCh JCF und GDCh (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

Chemistry data and data-driven research are important today, and will have even more impact in the (near) future ! We cordially invite you to a two-day event at the University of Mainz in which we want to share some inspiration with you about what is already possible with chemistry data today.

The programme will include invited speakers as well as hands-on workshops to help you handle your data in a sustainable way.

Hear from Researchers about how they have harnessed their data but also learn about tools and infrastructure that are available now to help you structure your data for publication (e.g. Electronic Lab Notebooks and Repositories).

In cooperation with the JCF, the GDCh Career Service and the VAA (Verband angestellter Akademiker und leitender Angestellter der chemischen Industrie) we will host a 2-hour session (In German) where comprehensive insights into entering a career in chemistry will be provided, including information on the application process and testimonials by chemists from industrial companies. All speakers will answer questions from the audience. 

You will also have the opportunity to present and discuss your own research with other scientists and NFDI4Chem members during a poster session accompanied with free food and drink. Here, we ask you to include aspects of how you managed your data and/or to include questions or problems you might have with respect to managing your data.

Don’t miss the opportunity and register today! The conference fees as well as the catering are free of charge. You will need to pay for your own accommodation and travel.

There will be the following people lecturing:

Nicolas Carpi (ELab FTW), Felix Rudolphi (Sciformation), Nicole Jung (Chemotion), Paul Czodrowski (JGU Mainz), Daniela Hausen (RWTH Aachen University), Sonja Herres Pawlis (RWTH Aachen University), Berend Smit (EPFL), Guillermo Restrepo (MPI Leipzig)

More detailed information will be following shortly

More information and registration