
Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Transformation of Research (DiTraRe) – Usecase “Sensitive data in sports science”

The digital transformation of science affects all disciplines. The change in scientific methods, e.g. through data-based analyses, also leads to changes in traditional methods in the individual subjects. Here it is important to make this change clear to both scientists and data users and to examine the effects of the transformation on society's perception of science. Transparent and reproducible knowledge processes are fundamental for the science system itself - and from this also for trust in research at the societal level. With their interdisciplinary orientation, KIT and FIZ Karlsruhe have an important prerequisite for dealing with this topic in a holistic manner. KIT researchers are concerned, for example, with raising awareness among scientists for information security issues in the collection, evaluation and storage of sensitive information and informing them about practicable security solutions. In addition, they research the transparency and comprehensibility of the communication of scientific results to society. In particular, methods of technology assessment are used here. DiTraRe's work programme is organised in four research clusters, each of which is based on a specific scientific use case. For example, the research cluster "Protected Data Spaces" is dedicated to the use case "Sensitive Data in Sports Science". The team from the Institute of Sport and Sport Science led by Dr. Claudia Niessner is responsible for this. The other research clusters deal with intelligent data acquisition (use case: smart labs in chemistry), AI-based knowledge spaces (use case: artificial intelligence in biomedical engineering) and publication cultures (use case: publishing big data).

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Project Partners

Project Duration

01.09.2023 – 31.08.2027

Project Funding


Usecase „Sensitive Data in Sports Science“: Dr. Katja Klemm, IfSS