National Level

National Strategy and Action Plan

In 2019 the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) commissioned swissuniversities to develop an Open Research Data strategy. The strategy was adopted at the beginning of July 2021 and considering the FAIR principles, aims to provide a framework for the development of good practices regarding research data management and the development of Swiss services and infrastructures related thereto. As such the national strategy follows an "as open as possible, as protected as necessary" approach. Services and infrastructures for RDM are being developed and implemented according to an action plan

Requirements for Research Projects by SNSF

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has an Open Research Data strategy. The SNSF issued a policy that binds its funded researchers to make their research data publicly available. The research data are to be shared given that there are no legal, ethical, copyright, confidentiality or other clauses that would prevent sharing the data.

Requirements for Research Infrastructure in Humanities and Social Sciences

The SAGW (Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften / Swiss Academy of the Humanities and Social Sciences) is one of Switzerland’s biggest funders of research infrastructures. Since 2019, the academy has an Open Science Policy. With regard to research data, this policy conforms to the FAIR data principles:  Scholarly information is to be made available as freely as possible with as few restrictions as necessary. Furthermore, principles are formulated on access, description, presentation, safeguarding and reuse of the research results.

Requirements for Research Projects by Innosuisse

Innosuisse promotes science-based innovation projects. It co-finances projects at universities and research institutes that work together with partners from industry and society.

Practices for research data management are not explicitly specified, but Innosuisse requires that scientific projects funded by the federal agency follow the rules of scientific integrity and good scientific practice.

Regulations on the handling of research data are set out in the Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (Section 4.5), to which Innosuisse explicitly refers. These include, among others, the FAIR disclosure of data (provided there are no legal barriers).


FDM Strategie auf nationaler Ebene

Eine nationale Strategie für Open Research Data wurde im Auftrag des Staatssekretariates für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI von swissuniversities erarbeitet und 2021 verabschiedet. Die "Nationale Schweizer Strategie für Open Research Data" orientiert sich stark an den FAIR-Prinzipien und möchte die Rahmenbedingungen für die Entwicklung guter Praktiken im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und für die Ausgestaltung der Schweizer Dienstleistungs- und Infrastrukturlandschaft formulieren.

Mit Blick auf Forschungsdaten verfolgt die Strategie den Ansatz "So offen wie möglich, so geschützt wie nötig". Bezüglich der Infrastrukturen werden vier Ziele umrissen, deren Ausgestaltung im Rahmen eines Aktionsplans erfolgt.

Der Schweizerische Nationalfond (SNF) verlangt in seiner Strategie von Forschern, die Forschungsdaten aus SNF-geförderten Projekten öffentlich zugänglich zu machen.

Die Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) kennt seit 2019 eine Open Science Policy. Betreffend Forschungsdaten orientiert sie sich an den FAIR Prinzipien und verfolgt den Ansatz "so offen wie möglich, so geschützt wie nötig".