
Skills for the European Open Science commons: creating a training ecosystem for Open and FAIR science

Skills4EOSC core objective is to advance Open Science skills, closing the three gaps identified in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in relation to Open Science competences: lack of Open Science and data expertise, lack of a clear definition of data professional profiles and corresponding career paths, and fragmentation in training resources.

With project launch on September 1, 2022, Skills4EOSC will work over the next three years to provide Open Science Commons and create an EOSC-ready skilled European workforce, connecting existing Competence Centres in open science and scientific data management. The aim is to develop common methodologies, activities and training resources to unify the current training landscape into a collaborative and reliable ecosystem and to provide dedicated community-specific support to leverage the potential of EOSC for open and data-intensive research (Further Information).

Throughout its lifetime, Skills4EOSC will deliver the following Key Exploitable Results (KER):

  1. Definition of data stewards and Open Science related profiles and curricula
  2. Bridging the fragmentation of training resources
  3. Recognition of professional Open Science competencies
  4. Availability of a large number of skilled professionals in Open Science
  5. Fostering the efficient uptake of relevant scientific data by public administration
  6. Building a Open Science Skills Commons by creating a Competence Center Coordination network and a European network for user support

How can you get involved? Check out our website and give us feedback, as all our results are available for review by the research community, guaranteeing the successful development of Skills4EOSC.

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