Konferenzen und Tagungen

DataCite Member Meeting

Donnerstag, 22. September 2022
8 bis 21 Uhr


Veranstaltet von

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

As in the last two years, this member meeting will be virtual. In this meeting several virtual sessions in different time zones and languages to give you a general update on DataCite and our product roadmap. In addition, there will be training sessions as well as sessions which will continue with the PID and service provider.

This year's meeting invites participation from the wider community in all of the sessions except the trainings.

  • The training sessions are only for DataCite Direct Members, Consortium Leads, Consortium Organizations and Member Only organizations.
  • All of the other sessions listed are open to the public, feel free to register.

All sessions, agenda including registration can be found here